If you want to find out how to watch a GitHub repository for new releases and just that, here is a very simple guide.
I needed a way to get notified of new releases on selected GitHub repositories and just that. Watching a repository would instead give me too much information such as notifications on new issues and pull requests.
I use IFTTT to watch GitHub project releases atom feed. When something new appears, IFTTT will insert an entry into a to-do app, specifically Todoist.
The URLs are:
For example, the URL for NodeJS Node project releases is https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases.atom and URL for tags is https://github.com/nodejs/node/tags.atom.
Verify the URL via web browser. You should be seeing XML content.
Go to IFTTT to create an account if you do not already have one.
For this I chose Todoist. You will need to create an account before using.
Todoist allows you to store to-do tasks into Projects. Think of a project as just a folder or a category. When a new entry is created, URL to it will be included into the to-do task. If you want to set a reminder, you can enter that into the due date field. Example values are “today” and “tomorrow”.